Arrests after teen shooting

Three teenagers have been arrested after a 16 year old was shot in the leg in Liverpool.

It happened in Scargreen Avenue, Norris Green on Monday 26 July, the boy is currently recovering in hospital.

Officers from Merseyside police carried out searches at two house in Liverpool on Wednesday 28 July where they arrested a 16-year-old boy at a house in Longmoor Lane, Fazakerley, and a 15-year-old boy and an 18-year-old man at a house in Stonedale Crescent, Norris Green.

A motorbike was also recovered from the house in Longmoor Lane.

All three have been arrested on suspicion of Section 18 wounding and possession of a firearm and are currently in police custody awaiting questioning by detectives.

A third warrant was also executed at a house in Dragon Close, Fazakerley this morning. No-one has been arrested at that address.