Council staff asked to leave their jobs!

Wirral Council has asked more than 6000 if its staff to retire early, work less hours or leave their job.

6,032 council workers, that's everyone except those who work in schools, have been sent a letter by the acting Chief Executive asking them to consider their positions.

The council need to find savings of £108 million over the next four years and the hope is that offering staff these options will mean they won't have to make compulsory job cuts in the future.

A proposal to make this reduction will be decided by the Council’s Employment and Appointments Committee after consultation with staff and the Unions.

Council Leader Jeff Green said:  "I have been clear since becoming Council Leader that we must urgently address the budget deficit we face - £108 million over the next four years.

"This will mean delivering services in different ways, reducing our costs and that this will mean employing fewer people.

"Given the budget challenges we face I do not believe the current severance scheme is going to be affordable or sustainable going forward.

"However I do not believe that it would be fair to the staff who have worked flat out for the people of Wirral to change the terms of the scheme without providing an opportunity to choose to leave under the current terms.

"I will of course do all I can to avoid compulsory redundancies in the future but this will depend on whether we can make enough savings now.

"I have also requested that every member of staff be asked if they would like to permanently reduce their hours of work, if it suits them and their families.  

"This follows requests to me by staff themselves.

"I can’t stress how important it is that we make savings now.  This will help avoid compulsory redundancies later, and to enable us to continue to deliver excellent services to the people who need our help the most."