Jobs blow as 190 to go in Liverpool

More jobs will be lost on Merseyside after a company that makes swine flu vaccines announced plans to for almost 200 redundancies.

Novartis in Speke say they need to make the cuts as part of a restructure so they become "more competitive" around the world.

The changes will cut the workforce by 190.

In a statement, Novartis Vaccines said:

"Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics can confirm that employees at our Liverpool influenza vaccine manufacturing site have today been informed that consultations will start immediately on proposals for the consolidation of our manufacturing network to increase productivity, reduce overcapacity and improve operational excellence.
"We deeply regret the impact these proposals would have on associates whose roles would be affected by these proposals and wish to emphasize that the changes are in no way a reflection on their performance.
"We will treat them with dignity and respect and would provide them with a full program of support when, subject to consultations, the proposals are implemented over a proposed timescale during 2011."