Student protests in Liverpool

Thousands of students have marched to Liverpool Town Hall - some setting off flares - to demonstrate against a planned rise in tuition fees.

Hundreds of police officers with riot vans were on hand in the city centre to try and make sure it passed off peacefully.

Students from across Merseyside walked out of lectures and classes at 12.00 for the march.

Merseyside Police has facilitated a number of peaceful protests during the national student day of action today in Liverpool city centre.


Police accompanied a large number of protestors on an organised march from Mountford Hall to the Town Hall along a pre-agreed route. The demonstrators then dispersed and formed smaller groups that held additional protests across the city centre.  

Officers dealt with a small number of isolated incidents of very minor disorder.

Officers worked closely with partner agencies to ensure the safety of protestors and members of the public. Merseyside Police maintained a policing service across the region throughout the day.

Assistant Chief Constable Andy Ward, said:

"I would like to thank all of those involved, residents, businesses and members of the public for their patience and co-operation throughout today.

"An appropriate policing plan, developed with our partners, was used to ensure minimal disruption in the city centre and the protests have passed without any incident.

"It is important that people have the opportunity to protest peacefully and my officers have worked hard today to facilitate everyone being able to express their views in a safe environment.”