Anti-social Crackdown for Daventry

4 April 2011, 16:26 | Updated: 4 April 2011, 16:28

Officers from the Daventry Rural safer community team are launching Operation Lordswood to tackle anti social behaviour in the town over the Easter period.

Historically, during school holidays, incidences of anti social behaviour rise in Daventry Rural villages like Braunston, Brixworth and Long Buckby. Operation Lordswood, which starts on 9 April 2011, hopes to tackle the rise in this problem during the forthcoming holiday season.

Local residents have traditionally reported behaviours including; youths congregating in groups and roaming the streets causing noise nuisance, dropping litter and abusing residents and causing damage to vehicles and other property.

On rare occasions there have been complaints of youths drinking in the area as well. Incidents such as these occur mostly in the evenings and at night but during the holiday period, this can creep into the daytime. Dates of particular importance are the last Friday at the end of term which year on year have seen repeated ASB occurring.

To combat this expected rise in anti social behaviour, the Daventry Rural safer community team together with Incident Response Teams and Specials aim to focus on education, enforcement and prevention.

Officers will do school visits prior to school holidays and talk regarding alcohol and anti-social behaviour. High visibility police presence will also be provided in these communities, especially in hotspot areas to deal with acts of ASB, give reassurance to residents and deter people from committing crime.

Officers including PCSOs will attend organised youth activities and village fetes to increase positive youth engagement and to ensure ASB does not occur at or after these events. The operation is also expected to run during the spring and summer breaks.

Sergeant Paul Valentine, from the Daventry Rural SCT, said: “This year we are placing even more emphasis on tackling anti-social behaviour, increasing victim satisfaction and ensuring we proactively support the most vulnerable victims in the community. We want to ensure that the holidays are a fun and enjoyable time for everyone.”

Anyone who would like more information about the Daventry Rural Safer Community Team can log on to or call 03000 111 222.