Numbers 26 - 30

To embrace turning 30 Charlie is doing a '30 before 30' list.

And here are the final 5...26 to 30!

26 Put a message in a bottle off the Kent coast

As a kid I always wanted to put a message in a bottle...and we did, off the coast of East Kent...but as it's us we had to do it after the day we did the show in a ballgown and suit (Number 14)...still no word from anyone finding the bottle, keep listening for those bottle updates!

27. Be in close proximity of Royalty

Be in close proximity of RoyaltyThis was added after Charlie got a once in a lifetime invite for her and James to attend a gala drinks reception with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip who visited Margate and the Turner Centre on the 11.11.11. Being close to royalty has to be on anyone's list. Charlie loved the day and to see the Queen was amazing something she never thought she'd do, it was a very special day for her. 

Be in close proximity of Royalty


 28 Be in a professional photoshoot

Charlie thinks that by 30 you should have had some 'proper' photos taken at some point, rather than all the ropey ones you get tagged in on Facebook over the years! James has a passion for photography so we thought it was time to get them paired up - Charlie in front of the camera, James behind it!

Click here for photos and a video from a photoshoot at Ashford designer outlet

29. Get a tweet from a famous person

Olly Murs webchat on CapitalfmCharlie is a bit of twitter addict (follow her ramblings at @charlie_radio) and loves chatting to the stars.  Since putting this list together she's had a few tweets from celebs, but the one that got her the most excited was from Olly Murs!  Olly tweeted Charlie the other day asking how her flat decorating is coming along - awwwww.



30. Re-enact a scene from one of my favourite films


Charlie roped James into acting a scene from Grease - watch how they got on