Monday 31st October
It was nice to see Jamie entering into the “spirit” of Halloween this morning. Emma loved his scary makeup and Halloween costume. Jamie wasn’t sure what on earth she was on about… Did he manage to give Emma a Halloween fright? Click below to have a listen. Woooh!
Finding a £10 note in an old pair of jeans top s a new list of greatest good mood triggers published today. Also on the list were booking a holiday, waking up on a sunny day and at number 30 our favourite – eating cake!
Heart is the only radio station giving you the chance to get up close and personal with the legendary Michael Buble. Want to meet the man behind the music? Make sure you’re listening to Heart – your chance could come at any time!
Emma wants to add some spice to your life by giving you some amazing prizes. If you’d like to get your family in the Christmas mood then she could have a special something for you in the morning.
Tomorrow we’ll be bringing sexy back to the show (no, not Jamie) – Justin Timberlake will be our special guest.
Have a great day. Make sure you’ve got sweeties for us if we knock at your door tonight x
Jamie Tries To Scare Emma For Halloween 31st October 2011