Wednesday Blog: Body Talk

Day 3 of Honesty Week and time to uncover some terrible truths!

Yesterday, we discovered how easy it is to spot a lie from a polygraph test but what can body language give away? Jamie thinks it's obvious that he fancies Emma because he's always touching her knee (hands off Jamie!) but what else can we find out? Click below to have a listen!

Ever wanted what a Spice Girl tastes like? Harvey Nicks have launched a range of cocktails based on the Spic Girls' personalities... Geri's is made with ginger, Mel B's is fiery and fiesty and Emma's is cute and girly just like her!

Tomorrow is day 4 of Heart Breakfast's Honesty Week when The Wanted will be taking our honesty challenge! Have a good day! x

Body Language On Heart Breakfast - 6th Feb 2013