Lucy's Blog - Thursday 7th of February

Hellooooo!! Thursday already, this week is flying by! So, on todays show we just HAD to share something with you. A photo of newsreader Robin’s epic eyebrows.

We love them. It would seem that you do too….
Colleen - Some awesome eyebrows.
Karen - Beautiful eyes let alone eyebrows! X
Clare - I would like to see the rest of him, very nice indeed robin, I think they are great eyebrows x
Carol - Looks like Brooke Shields and George Clooney had a love child. Yum.
And as it’s Honesty Week, we’re talking about Lying. Specifically today, we talked about lying, or being lied to, on a first date…
Some of your stories were classic. Thank you as always!
Jackie - Not a lie as such - I just did not mention I was a grandmother
Lynne - My now husbands parents owned a beach house!!! They worked on a caravan site!!!!
James - I lied and said I went running twice a week......(I never run) two days later I was invited to a 5 mile run......I dyed that feet were covered in blisters and I couldn't walk the next day...
We’ll be back tomorrow from 4pm, and we’ve got a fab show lined up for you – the music is BRILLIANT, and as always, we want to hear from you!
See you then!
Lucy xxx