Fire Consultation: Runs Until Monday In East Sussex
22 April 2014, 11:18 | Updated: 22 April 2014, 11:30
People living and working in East Sussex and Brighton and Hove City have until 28 April to take part in a consultation on Fire Authority savings plans.
The proposals are part of a five year plan to save £7.1 million following reductions in Government funding.
Click here to get involved in the online questionnaire or you can request a printed copy by emailing or calling 01323 462073.
We are told the proposals focus on keeping all current fire stations open, while adjusting working practises to make the most of financial resources and deliver the response needed by those in the area.
Proposal 1
Brighton has three fire stations: Hove, Preston Circus and Roedean.
We are proposing to remove a fire engine from either Preston Circus or Hove. This means we continue to base four fire engines in the City which are crewed 24 hours a day. In addition, we provide an aerial ladder platform which can reach people in high rise buildings.
The provision of this appliance will be reviewed in 2014/15.
This change would have no significant impact on life risk and attendance standards would still be met. This would mean a reduction in 24 posts (4 of these posts would be reduced through the introduction of Locality Managers).
If fully implemented, it would save us £1.066 million by 2018/19.
Proposal 2 a or b
These proposals are based on an “either/or” basis – only one would need to be implemented to make savings.
Proposal 2a
Convert Battle Fire Station from Wholetime (Day Crewed) to a new Day Crewed Duty System. The station could then provide cover 7 days a week instead of 5, giving more support for Hastings.
We would therefore be able to remove the Retained Duty System fire engine from The Ridge Fire Station in Hastings. This attends a low number of calls and so removing it is predicted to have no significant impact on Service performance.
If fully implemented, this would save us £14,000 by 2018/19.
Proposal 2b
Convert Battle Fire Station from Wholetime (Day Crewed) to a retained duty system. This would reduce the number of Wholetime posts at Battle by 9.
This would mean both fire engines are kept at The Ridge in Hastings. Battle has a low number of calls and analysis shows there would be no significant impact on Service performance.
If fully implemented, this could save £200,000 by 2018/19.
Proposal 3
Introduce “Day Crewed Plus” at Roedean fire station in Brighton and The Ridge fire station in Hastings, both currently Wholetime stations.
“Day Crewed Plus” would be a new way of working for East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service and is successfully used by other fire and rescue services across England. It means that firefighters stay in accommodation provided by us on site on a self rostering system.
They are therefore still ready to turn out 24 hours a day. This option would mean we could save money by reducing posts but it would not affect attendance times.
This would reduce the number of posts by 20 (8 of these posts would be reduced through the introduction of Locality Managers).
This would save the Service £432,000 by 2018/19.