Measles Awareness Video

Following a recent rise in the cases of measles in the county, experts at NHS Surrey and Surrey county council have put together a video to raise awareness of the disease and help prevent a further outbreak.

The video includes interviews with local health experts as well as a teenage boy who became affected by the disease at a party. 

Experts give details about the symptoms to look out for and how the illness is treated. The MMR vaccine provides maximum protect from measles, those that have the jab are thought to be 99% less likely to contract the illness.

Thought to be the first of its kind, the video will be shared with other health professionals and posted on a website for the traveling community to raise awareness of the risks of the measles and the benefits of MMR. 

A teenage boy who lives in a traveling community sums up his experience by saying; “it’s not worth going through what I went through just for measles.”