Early morning sales fever hits Wrexham

Around five hundred people queued through the night at one of our shopping centres ready to hit the sales on Monday morning.

Shoppers queued around the block in sub zero temperatures ready for Eagles Meadow in Wrexham to open at five o clock.

The queue outside Next grew to the full length of the shopping complex as sales fever gripped Eagles Meadow.

First in the queue when the doors of Next opened at 5am were Dave and Lisa Jones, of Wrexham, who wanted to stock up on children’s outfits for the 10-month-old son Jayden.

Dave, who works as a jewellery store manager in Shrewsbury, says he was delighted to be first in the queue despite the sub-zero temperatures.

He said: “It’s definitely worth it as we can buy all the clothes we need for Jayden for the next six months at a fraction of the cost. It has been a bit cold waiting, we arrived at 2.30am, but it’s great to first to go through the doors.

“We are heading straight for the children’s section as soon as the doors open. There’s definitely big savings to be had and the quality is great with Next.”

Dave and his wife Lisa were handed their Next plastic shopping bags as the doors opened and the store was soon packed as shoppers, keen to get the best bargains, began sifting through the racks of men’s, ladies and children’s wear while the home furnishing department was packed to the rafters.