Students see record GCSE passes again

GCSE pass rates have risen for the 23rd year in a row with Wrexham celebrating their best results ever.

The national picture shows an A* - C pass rate of 69% while in Wales the figure is 66.4%.

Examiners in Wales blamed the difference on the number of private schools in England and said results from the state sector showed a "negligible difference".

In Wrexham the pass level for the top grades was up by 2.3% on 2009, but at 59.2% it was still below the Wales average.

John Davies, Wrexham's Chief Learning and Achievement Officer said:

"These are outstanding results!

"Pupils and teachers, with support from parents and carers, have worked very hard indeed to achieve this excellent level of performance.

"Congratulations to everyone!"

At Darland High School in Rossett, 77% of students achieved 5 A*-C grades - the best results in the school's history.

Headteacher, Peter Agnew, said:

"Our thanks go to the dedicated effort of both staff and students.

"Our new facilities, due to open in a few months time, will further enhance the opportunities for learning and improvement at Darland."

At Queen's Park High School there smiling faces as the school achieved their best ever results.

Student Cara Jamison said:

"I got 8 A*s and 2 As I'm really happy I didn't think I'd ever get it."

Gabriella Aga said:

"I got an A*, an A and 5 Bs.

"I feel really happy, really surprised, I didn't expect to do well, so I'm really happy. I feel proud and happy that I can do it - I did it."

Louise Tomkins who got 7 A*s and 4 As said:

"It didn't really sink in, I kept reading it over and over again, I was in a bit of shock."