Wales plans to erase child poverty

New figures show 200,000 children in Wales live in poverty so now the Welsh Assembly Government has announced plans to get rid of child poverty by 2020.

They are looking at ideas to change the health and education of children from low income families.

The Child Poverty Act 2010 and the Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010 means that, for the first time, there will be a statutory framework to drive child poverty action.

It will run through UK Government, the Welsh Assembly Government and through to local authorities and other public agencies.  

Anita Myfanwy is from End Child Poverty in North Wales and thinks children on low incomes are at a real disadvantage.

She said:

"They can't afford to go on school trips, they can't afford school uniform, they can't afford ingredients for the cooking classes.

"It means they often can't be with their friends which means social exclusion."