These are the Christmas foods you should never feed to your dogs

12 December 2018, 17:14

Be careful what leftovers you feed your dog
Be careful what leftovers you feed your dog. Picture: Getty

It can be tempting to offer your pet your Christmas dinner leftovers but the consequences are potentially deadly. Here's what you need to know...

Did you know that some of your favourite Christmas dinner ingredients could be potentially lethal for your dog?

Everyone knows the best part of Christmas after Christmas dinner is the leftovers but even though it's tempting to offer these to your pet, it could harm them.

Read more: Boohoo are selling matching Christmas jumpers for dogs and we can't deal

So before you share your turkey dinner cast offs with your furry friend, here's what you need to know.

Dogs can enjoy a Christmas dinner but there are lots of things you should avoid giving them
Dogs can enjoy a Christmas dinner but there are lots of things you should avoid giving them. Picture: Getty

Head of Pets at Pets At Home, Dr Maeve Moorcroft revealed to Metro the human foods that are dangerous to dogs:

Christmas foods you shouldn't give to your dogs

Mince pies - sultanas and raisins don't agree with dogs

Gravy - full of fat and salts

Candy canes - too much sugar can be harmful for animals

Bread sauce - the high levels of lactose make it difficult for pets to digest

Stuffing - the herbs, onions and spices can be harmful

Nuts - these can be toxic for animals

Onions - these are poisonous for dogs

Chocolate - can be deadly for animals

Christmas pudding and Christmas cake - full of raisins and sultanas

Pigs in blankets - high levels of fat and salt

Turkey skin and bones - the skin is fatty and the bones can splinter causing harm

Christmas foods that are OK for dogs

Turkey - but only the white meat with no bones

Potatoes - plain, mashed or boiled with no added ingredients

Carrots - raw or cooked

Parsnips - with no added ingredients


Brussels Sprouts

Remember, human food is human food for a reason so don't over indulge your pets on even the food that IS safe!

A better option would be to buy Christmas treats specially designed for pets and some brands even do special Christmas dinners for your pooch.

Dogs Trust have put together some recipes for some dog friendly Christmas dinners that you can make at home for your pet so they don't feel left out when the family sito down for Christmas dinner.

Click here to download the recipes.