Survey finds only five per cent of teachers feel safe reopening schools on June 1

20 May 2020, 08:41

The poll revealed worries among teachers about the reopening of schools across the England
The poll revealed worries among teachers about the reopening of schools across the England. Picture: Getty
Alice Dear

By Alice Dear

A new poll has revealed the high levels of worrying among teachers as the Government aim to open some classes in a matter of days.

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A survey, carried out by teacher's union NASUWT, has found only five per cent of teachers feel safe returning to schools on June 1.

This information comes after the Government announced they are planning to reopen reception, year one and year six to children on June 1.

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However, the poll – which was completed by around 30,000 people – reveals the concerns teachers have for their safety.

The Government announced they are planning to reopen reception, year one and year six to children on June 1
The Government announced they are planning to reopen reception, year one and year six to children on June 1. Picture: Getty

The survey found that 95 per cent of teachers were anxious about students returning to school, and that 93 per cent of teachers thought the Government's proposals have been confusing.

A massive 91 per cent don't feel comfortable with the measures that have been set out to safeguard people's health, while nine out of ten teachers think social distancing will be impossible in their classes.

There's also the question of PPE for staff, which 87 per cent of the teachers that took the poll think is essential to school staff in order to protect them.

91 per cent said they don't feel comfortable with the measures that have been set out to safeguard people's health
91 per cent said they don't feel comfortable with the measures that have been set out to safeguard people's health. Picture: Getty

NASUWT General Secretary, Patrick Roach, said on the results: "The results of our survey underscore the fact that the Government has thus far failed to win the trust and confidence of teachers about the safety of reopening schools.

"It is now imperative that the Government takes every available opportunity to provide the necessary assurances that teachers are seeking."

He added: “The NASUWT is fully committed to ensuring children can return to school as quickly as possible, however, our bottom line is that no teacher or pupil should be expected to return to school until it is safe for them to do so.

“The results of our survey underscore the fact that the government has thus far failed to win the trust and confidence of teachers about the safety of reopening schools.

"It is now imperative that the government takes every available opportunity to provide the necessary assurances that teachers are seeking.”

A Department for Education spokesperson said on the matter: “Plans for a phased return of some year groups from 1 June, at the earliest, are based on the best scientific and medical advice. The welfare of children and staff has been at the heart of all decision making.

“We have engaged closely with the unions throughout the past eight weeks, including organising for them to hear directly from the scientific experts last week, and will continue to do so, including to develop further guidance if required.”

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