Are public toilets open during lockdown?
18 May 2020, 15:56
The Government has told English residents they're allowed to travel for exercise.
The UK's stuck in a strange phase at the moment after vague guidelines from the Prime Minister has left half the English population still being sensible and staying at home, and the other half making the most of their new found freedom.
Only last week the government revealed their new guidelines which apply only to England (Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are following their own rules) which said people are now allowed "unlimited exercise" and would also be allowed to travel to do so.
A lot have taken this as an ok to head to the countryside or to the beach to spend time outside, which has seen many city folk taking day trips to more rural and isolated towns.
Many are wondering if public toilets might be open, as they won't have any other options if they need to go to the loo, as cafe's and so on won't be open.
Are public toilets open during lockdown?
There is no yes or no answer to this as it greatly varies across the UK.
In the vast majority however, the answer is no, they're not, as local councils (who govern whether or not the toilets stay open) tend to not want encourage any visitors from outside the local area.
There's been uproar in a number of areas over visiting members of the public urinating on streets and in open spaces, with police forces stating they should have some respect.
Derbyshire has had some problems on this front, and their police force condemned the behaviour and stated in a Facebook post that there have been issues.
They said: "Facilities remain closed despite some parks and recreational spaces opening up again.
"We have also received reports of people going to the toilet in open spaces in Bakewell, which is having a hugely detrimental impact on the lives of people who live there.
"This is unacceptable behaviour. If you must travel to beauty spots and recreational spaces across Derbyshire, please respect the communities that you are visiting.
"And remember that many facilities are still closed, so you must plan your trip accordingly."