When is Easter 2019, is it a Bank Holiday and why do we celebrate it?
12 April 2019, 12:04
Easter weekend 2019 date: when is the bank holiday and how many days do we get off work?
If you don't have kids on school holidays it can be easy to forget that the Easter weekend is just round the corner, meaning the five day weekend is imminent.
When is Easter 2019?
Good Friday falls on April 19th this year, meaning that Easter Sunday falls on 21st April. Easter Monday will be 22nd April.
Unlike Christmas and Halloween, which are both on fixed dates, Easter falls on a different date every year - and can lie any time between March 22 and April 21.
Why is the date of Easter different every year? How is it worked out?
The date that Easter falls on is dependant on a set of complex calculations based on observations of the moon.
When is the Easter bank holiday weekend? And how long does it last?
The bank holiday weekend kicks off on Good Friday and continues until Easter Monday - meaning many of us will get five days off work.
Why do we celebrate Easter?
Easter celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus, which the Bible claims happened around the Jewish festival passover.