Post Office sign warns of £10 charge for rude and grouchy customers

5 August 2022, 11:24

The Post Office said they would charge people £10.00 for the inconvenience of having to put up with them
The Post Office said they would charge people £10.00 for the inconvenience of having to put up with them. Picture: Reddit/Alamy
Alice Dear

By Alice Dear

We recon they've had nothing but delightful exchanges with customers since the sign went up!

A Post Office in Wales has gone viral after a controversial sign in the shop was shared on social media.

Posted on Reddit, the image shows a sign stuck on a screen telling customers they would be charged if they exhibited 'rude, grouchy or irritable' behaviour.

In fact, the Post Office said they would charge people £10.00 for the inconvenience of having to put up with them.

Latest updates tell us that this sign was put up as a joke by the owners of the Post Office, and the sign has now been taken down.

The sign warned customers that if they were rude, grouchy or irritable, they would be charged £10.00
The sign warned customers that if they were rude, grouchy or irritable, they would be charged £10.00. Picture: Reddit

The full sign read: "If you are grouchy, irritable, or just plain rude: there will be a £10.00 charge for putting up with you."

People on Reddit suspected the sign could be "an attempt at good old British humour", and they would be spot on.

The Post Office in question has now taken the sign down after insisting it was a joke with locals
The Post Office in question has now taken the sign down after insisting it was a joke with locals. Picture: Alamy

A Post Office spokesperson told "We’ve spoken to the Postmaster who tells us they put up the sign as a bit of fun with their customers and have since taken down the sign.

"This couple who run this branch are very community-minded and popular with their customers, many of whom have seen the funny side."

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