Will the UK get the heatwave in Europe?

20 July 2023, 14:26 | Updated: 24 July 2023, 12:05

Weather map of Europe and the heatwave alongside a thermometer in the sun
Europe is currently experiencing a record heatwave called Charon . Picture: ITV/Getty
Alice Dear

By Alice Dear

As Southern Europe struggles to cope with record-breaking temperatures, will the UK be getting the heatwave at any point? And when is the next England heatwave?

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The European heatwave has been causing chaos across Greece, Italy and Spain as record-breaking weather temperatures continue to rise across the continent causing wildfires and people to cancel their summer holidays.

The deadly heatwave is the product of an anticyclone, which has been name Charon, forcing hot air from the Sahara Desert upwards.

While the mercury rises dangerously high across the sea, the UK is experiencing below-average temperatures and cool weather despite earlier talks of another 40 degree heatwave in England.

But will the European heatwave reach us in the UK and what is stopping it from affecting us? Here's everything you need to know including when the UK will next have a heatwave.

Sweltering tourists pictured at the colosseum in Rome cooling down in front on a fan
Sweltering tourists pictured at the colosseum in Rome cooling down in front on a fan. Picture: Alamy

Will the UK get the heatwave in Europe?

According to experts, it is very unlikely the UK will suffer the same heatwave from Europe. This is all down to a jet stream which is protecting the UK from the intense heat.

Good Morning Britain's meteorologist Laura Tobin explained this week that while the stagnant air from Africa isn't moving from southern Europe, the UK is being protected by a jet stream.

Read more: Weather forecast: When is the next UK heatwave?

Read more: When is it too hot to walk your dog?

Laura Tobin explains why the heatwave in Europe isn't affecting the UK
Laura Tobin explains why the heatwave in Europe isn't affecting the UK. Picture: ITV

What is stopping the UK from getting the heatwave?

Tobin explained that there are currently heat domes across Europe, and that a jet stream in the northern parts of Europe are keeping the air from moving northward.

"It's the jet stream", she explained: "It caused all the heat domes to bulge across the world. We are on the other side of the jet stream."

When will it be hot again in the UK?

Weather is predicted to remain unsettled until mid-August, according to experts.

So far, July has been wetter than average, and these conditions are expected to continue into the weekend and next week.

While most people across the UK aren't hoping for European heatwave temperatures, many people are craving more summery weather.

"The long range forecast for the rest of this month stays unsettled with showers", Laura said: "Into next month, the first two weeks stay unsettled. Middle of August onwards warm weather set to return."