Scottish Parliament looking for people born on day it was established

1 April 2019, 06:19

Scottish parliament 1999

The Scottish Parliament is looking for Scots born on the day it was established as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations.

A search has been launched for young people born on July 1, 1999, to come forward to take part in events planned at Holyrood on Saturday June 29.

On the day Parliament assumed its legal powers, 163 children were born in Scotland - each were presented with a commemorative medal from then first minister Donald Dewar.

A photograph has been released of the children born that day from the Parliament's 10th anniversary celebrations in the hope they will come forward.

Officials managed to locate 145 children with 142 of them travelling from across Scotland, the UK, Canada, the USA and the Faroe Islands to attend a celebration on July 1, 2009.

Current Presiding Officer Ken Macintosh said: "The 1 July babies were at the heart of our 10th anniversary back in 2009 when more than 140 children from across Scotland and beyond joined us to celebrate.

"We hope to encourage all those young people to be part of this 20th anniversary milestone too.

"By releasing this photograph, we hope to jog the memory of friends or family of the young people involved, or indeed of the young people themselves.

"If you are one of our 1 July babies and want to celebrate with us, then please get in touch.

"These young people have quite literally grown up with the Scottish Parliament so we're very keen to hear from them."

Anyone born on July 1, 1999, is asked email