Waterbeach new town 1st stage approved

15 May 2019, 16:21 | Updated: 15 May 2019, 16:24

Waterbeach 3

Plans for 6,500 homes have been confirmed as part of the plans for the new town, Waterbeach.

The plans say that almost 2,000 of the homes will be classeed as "affordable".


South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Planning Committee gave the green light this week to outline plans to develop the former Waterbeach barracks site.

This is the western half of the site that is allocated for a new town in the authority’s recently adopted Local Plan.

The proposals include provision for at least 1,950 affordable homes.

A total of 43% of the site covered by the application will be open space including recreation areas.

The plans will also see enhancement and creation of woodlands, grasslands and wetlands to improve the green environment for plants, animals and residents as well as a new local centre focussed around the existing lake.

The decision is accompanied by a requirement through a legal agreement for £141m developer funding towards new local services and facilities.

These contributions will include funding towards local transport upgrades, including improving junctions along the A10 at Car Dyke Road / Waterbeach Road (the ‘Slap-up’ junction) and Landbeach Road / Humphries Way.

Traffic calming measures are also planned in Waterbeach and in neighbouring villages.

A new cycle way connecting Waterbeach to Cambridge Science Park and Cambridge Regional College will be constructed, along with three cycle crossings over the A10, a cycle connection to Cambridge Research Park and a three-metre wide walking and cycle-way between Waterbeach and Milton.

Local bus services will also be changed to higher frequencies and a temporary park and ride will be established within the new town site.

Further facilities that will come forward as part of this area of the new town include:

  • A secondary school, three primary schools and special needs school
  • A healthcare centre and library
  • A leisure centre with a swimming pool
  • Four community centres
  • 29 hectares of outdoor sports space
  • Seven hectares of allotment and community orchard space
  • Play parks, recreation areas and woodlands

 A separate application for up to 4,500 new homes on the eastern half of the planned new town site was submitted by different developers, RLW Estates, in June last year.

Their application, which covers land between the former barracks and railway line, is still being assessed by the Council.