Full list of countries which could be added to ‘amber plus’ list as millions of holidays at risk

26 July 2021, 07:40

Countries could be added to the Amber Plus list
Countries could be added to the Amber Plus list. Picture: Alamy

Spain, Greece and Italy could join France on the UK Government's ‘amber plus’ travel list.

Almost six million people could face holiday chaos as Spain and Greece may be added to the ‘amber plus’ travel list.

The government is said to be concerned about increasing Covid transmission rates across the globe.

This means they could put further restrictions on travel overseas, meaning even double jabbed Brits may have to quarantine when visiting ‘amber list’ countries.

But what is the ‘amber plus’ list and which countries does it apply to?

Greece and Spain could be added to the 'amber plus' list
Greece and Spain could be added to the 'amber plus' list. Picture: Alamy

What is the ‘amber plus’ list?

The new category, which was created on 16 July, is somewhere between amber and red.

It was created especially for travel to France, as ministers were concerned over the rise in Beta infections (the South African variant).

It means that holidaymakers must self-isolate for 10 days and take two tests if they are returning from France, regardless of whether they’ve been fully vaccinated or not.

A government spokesperson said: “The Joint Biosecurity Centre has assessed that France is a high-risk Covid-19 destination due to the circulation of variants of concern, most notably the Beta variant, which presents the greatest risk for UK vaccine escape.

Italy could be added to the 'amber plus' list
Italy could be added to the 'amber plus' list. Picture: Alamy

“With England entering step four of the roadmap, and restrictions easing for double vaccinated travellers, the government’s top priority is to stop the spread of Covid-19, including protecting our borders from the threat of variants.

“The decision to add countries to the red, amber or green lists is made jointly by ministers, informed by the latest scientific data and public health advice and taking into account a range of factors.”

Which countries are on the ‘amber plus’ list?

Only France is on the list, but there are now reports Spain, Greece and Italy could be moved from amber to ‘amber plus’.

Currently, travellers do not have to isolate at home for 10 days if they are double vaccinated and coming back from a country on the amber list.

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The Labour Party has estimated that almost six million Britons would face last-minute quarantine if this is changed.

According to the Mirror, Italy could also be the next country to be added.

Jim McMahon, the shadow transport secretary, said: “Not only have they [the Government] failed to protect our borders, allowing Covid cases to rocket, they also refuse to be straight with the public and give them the information they need to book travel with confidence, with clear information on the direction of travel of infections in each country.

“Families who have booked holidays in good faith now risk losing out – a 10-day quarantine is simply not an option for many people who are already struggling financially thanks to the pandemic.”

However, France’s stricter measures could also be removed at the start of August during the next travel review.