All the holiday hotspots 'at risk' of moving to amber and red lists in travel update

24 August 2021, 08:04

There will be a travel update this week
There will be a travel update this week. Picture: Alamy/Getty Images
Naomi Bartram

By Naomi Bartram

Croatia and Madeira could be added to the amber list this week.

Some holiday destinations are at risk of facing stricter travel restrictions this week in the travel update.

According to new analysis, there has been a sharp rise in coronavirus cases in destinations such as Jamaica, St Lucia, Dominica and Morocco.

Those travelling back to the UK from a red list country will have to stay in a quarantine hotel for at least 10 days, costing over £2,000.

Holidays to Croatia could be at risk
Holidays to Croatia could be at risk. Picture: Alamy

The data collected by Paul Charles from travel consultancy The PC Agency also suggests Croatia, Madeira and Israel could move from the green list to amber due to rising cases.

Anyone planning on holidaying to an amber list country who has not been vaccinated will have to self-isolate at home for 10 days, and take PCR tests on days two and eight.

However, those who are fully jabbed can avoid self-isolation.

But there is some good news, as according to the Telegraph, Poland, Bhutan, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Saudi Arabia could move to the green list.

St Lucia could go on the red list this week
St Lucia could go on the red list this week. Picture: Alamy

This means there will be no self-isolation or quarantine rules when returning to the UK, although you will need to take a PCR test on day two.

It’s also likely that Spain will remain on the amber list, with Paul Charles explaining on Twitter: "I’ve had many followers asking about #Spain - do not worry.

“It won’t be going red at the next review. Rates on every level are falling quite sharply, and the vaccination rollout is going strongly, with over 65% of the population fully-jabbed. August Bank Holiday is safe there."

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England's green list currently includes 36 destinations, with 16 on the 'green watchlist' which makes them at a higher risk of being moved.

Changes to the travel restrictions are announced every three weeks, which means Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is set to unveil the new traffic-light ratings on Wednesday or Thursday.

The last changes saw Austria, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia added to the green list, while Bahrain, India, Qatar and the UAE were moved to amber.