Holly and Dec accused of cheating during John Barrowman's Bushtucker Trial

22 November 2018, 11:33 | Updated: 22 November 2018, 11:37

The I'm A Celeb presenters have come under fire for excessively helping John Barrowman with his 'Scary Rose' Bushtucker Trial.

Holly Willoughby and Declan Donnelly have been accused of cheating after John Barrowman, 51, received 'extra help' during his first Bushtucker Trial on I'm A Celeb last night.

The new presenting duo were caught on camera pinpointing exactly where the elusive tenth star was, as Barrowman dove into the depths of a 'sunken ship' amidst a variety of scary sea creatures.

John Barrowman took on the 'Scary Rose' Bushtucker Trial
John Barrowman took on the 'Scary Rose' Bushtucker Trial. Picture: ITV

Barrowman had ten minutes to locate the ten stars, and after a speedy start, he struggled to figure out where the final one was lurking.

Holly was heard helping the Dr Who actor, revealing that it was tied to a rope, whilst Dec suggested he "swim down and look up".

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Holly was also keen to remind Barrowman to make sure all the stars were placed in his netted bag, much to the amusement of Dec, who goaded her for 'overdoing the bag thing'.

However, John was seen holding the final star above his head in celebration as the final klaxon sounded, fans were quick to question the validity of it.

John discovered the final star with Holly and Dec's help
John discovered the final star with Holly and Dec's help. Picture: ITV

Much to the delight of Barrowman, all ten stars were accepted without question, and the performer enjoyed regaling his heroic tale to the other campmates waiting in anticipation.

All ten celebs were fed a meal of alpaca neck, courtesy of Nick Knowles' culinary skills.

I'm A Celeb continues tonight on ITV1 at 9pm.

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