Experts recommend you switch your heating on during the summer months to save money
21 May 2020, 14:07
Yes, you read that right, switching your boiler on regularly during the hotter months of the year could save you money.
As temperatures sore in the UK this week, the last thing we're thinking about is heading for that heating dial.
However, research from Boiler Plan has revealed that you might want to consider switching your heating on during the summer to stop your boiler from 'seizing' up.
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Boiler Plan revealed ways you can help cut down the costs of your energy, and one of them was switching your heating on once a week for 10 to 15 minutes.
They revealed that boilers can 'seize up' if they are not used regularly, which makes them more likely to break down by the end of summer, which can cost up to £3,600 to fix or replace.
Instead, make sure your heating is being turned on once a week to avoid a hefty bill.
Their other tips include never placing your fridge or freezer in direct sunlight, drying your clothes on the line over the summer and using your windows to trap cool air instead of running a fan.
Your fridge or freezer will have to work harder to stay cold if it is in direct sunlight, which will use more energy – keep it cool by placing it someone shaded in your kitchen.
Research has shown that drying your closes on the line instead of using a tumble dryer can save you £46.36 over the summer, while trapping cool air in your rooms using your windows can save you from an increase in electricity bill caused by fans.
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