Paramedic explains why every parent should pin a note to their child’s car seat

23 April 2019, 13:08

Paramedics have spoken on the benefits of leaving emergency info on a baby car chair
Paramedics have spoken on the benefits of leaving emergency info on a baby car chair. Picture: GETTY

Putting a note on the back of a child's car chair could save vital time for paramedics in the unfortunate event of a traffic incident

Putting a note on the back of a child's car seat could save lives, a paramedic has claimed.

An ambulance worker in America - known only as Kaitlyn - shared via social media this small but significant action that parents should take in order to help rescue workers to take on their duties more quickly.

The Paramedic wrote in a Facebook post: "Way too often do emergency crew come upon a car wreck with children in the car who are too young to have any information and parents are unconscious."

She went on to explain how placing a short note on the back of the car seat would help save time by telling the medical staff essential info and help to identify the injured family.

Using the note tactic could save time for medics
Using the note tactic could save time for medics. Picture: GETTY

Thanks to Kaitlyn Lawson for posting this. Way too often do firefighters come upon a car wreck with child(ren) in the...

Posted by Homeschool Potpourri on Monday, 5 March 2018

The note should include:

- Child's full name

- Date of birth

- Parents' names

- Emergency contact phone numbers

- Any pre-existing medical conditions / allergies

- Child's GP information

The note should include date of birth, names, and GP information
The note should include date of birth, names, and GP information. Picture: GETTY

Parents are advised to add anything else that they deem to be valuable information to the list.

The paramedic added: "It takes two minutes, but it could save a child's life."

The power of social media meant that the post was spread far and wide within hours, as parents added their own valuable advice.

One mum suggested that parents remove 'baby on board' stickers from car windows once the child is grown, so that in the case of an accident, paramedics and firefighters don't spend vital time searching for a baby that isn't there.

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