
Tom Walker has been on a DIY frenzy during lockdown

26 June 2020, 15:20 | Updated: 26 June 2020, 15:21

Tom Walker has been busy decorating his new home during lockdown

He told Heart's Showbiz Hub podcast, “I’ve painted literally the whole house apart from one room… it’s starting to look nice"

Our best achievement in the last three months of lockdown has been changing out of one pair of jogging bottoms into another… and occasionally brushing our hair.

Tom Walker however - well, he’s a different story. And we’re not sure whether to be really impressed or really annoyed that he’s showing the rest of us up!

Tom’s been spending his time over the last few months painting his new house and recording new music.

He spoke to our very own Ashley Roberts for the Heart Showbiz Hub Podcast and told her everything he’s achieved while coronavirus brought everyone's lives to bit of a standstill.

Tom and his fiancée Annie moved into their first house together earlier this year, and the time off has allowed them to get stuck in to some serious nesting.

But it’s not just decorating that Tom’s been doing to fill his time. He’s back with new music. 

Read more: Click here to watch Heart Live at Home with Tom Walker

Tom Walker explains how he recorded his new song from home during lockdown

He wrote Wait For You before the UK went into lockdown but had to do the recording of it in his house. It’s all about an old friend of Tom’s. He told Ashley that what it means to him and what his friend thinks about it.

You can hear the rest of Ashley’s chat with Tom on the Heart Showbiz Hub Podcast - listen in the player below, or like and subscribe through the usual channels.

And don't forget to let us know if there’s anything you’d like to know about the crazy world of showbiz – use the hashtag #IndustryMythBuster, and tweet us @thisisheart 

Heart Showbiz Hub podcast is out every Monday.

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