Pub claims it lost £215 after family 'fled restaurant without paying bill'

21 June 2023, 08:47 | Updated: 21 June 2023, 08:52

A family has been accused of leaving without paying £215 bill
A family has been accused of leaving without paying £215 bill. Picture: Getty Images/Google Maps/Twitter
Naomi Bartram

By Naomi Bartram

A family has been accused of fleeing a pub without paying their £215 bill for a Father's Day meal and cocktails.

A pub has accused customers of leaving their restaurant without paying for their £215 bill over the weekend.

The family of four ate a Father's Day Sunday roast and drank cocktails at The Fisherman's Arms in Newlyn near Penzance in Cornwall.

The two couples were seen on CCTV, along with a baby and toddler, and are said to have left in different directions.

Taking to their Twitter account, the pub shared pictures and videos of customers, as they wrote: “Anyone know who these people are ? Just did a runner without paying , 2 went out the front door and 2 out the back !!! #wewillfindyou.”

A family left without paying their bill
A family left without paying their bill. Picture: Getty Images

Another post said: “These people have done a runner owing £215, went for a cigarette and did one !!! @CornwallLive @DC_Police #wewillfindyou.”

Manager Lucy has since opened up about what happened, saying one of the men approached the bar and asked how much their bill had come to.

She told The Mirror: "One of them came up to the bar, had a look at the bill and said the women were in the toilet.

"He said they were going out for a cigarette and would come back to settle up, but they left.

"The women weren't in the toilet, they had already left."

She said the adults had enjoyed a three-course Sunday roast complete with cocktails and food for their young children.

Lucy went on to say that this was the first time the pub had been left short after seven months of being open.

She added: "They are not from round here, you want to trust people, but this wasn't an accidental walk off.

"You can see one of the men shushing the other as they walk away on the CCTV."

Devon and Cornwall Police told the Mirror "Police are aware of an incident where it is alleged that a group of people left The Fisherman’s Arms in Newlyn without paying their bill, late afternoon on Sunday June 18.

"Enquiries continue into this matter. Anyone with any information that could assist the police is asked to contact 101."

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