Woman shares bizarre list of rules for mums from the 1960s

10 February 2020, 15:35

The list of rules was given to new mums in the 1960s (stock images)
The list of rules was given to new mums in the 1960s (stock images). Picture: Getty/Facebook

The leaflet advises new-mums not to breastfeed for more than five minutes at a time, as well as a number of bizarre rules.

A woman has shared a bizarre list of rules that were given to new mums in the 1960s, which features some very strange advice.

Micala Gabrielle Henson took to Facebook to share the 'routine' that was given to her mother in 1968 by Carrabus Memorial Hospital in North Carolina.

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The list advises women: "During first twenty-four hours, allow baby to nurse 5 minutes only.

"On second and third days allow baby to nurse approximately 7 minutes.

The mum shared the bizarre list of rules on Facebook
The mum shared the bizarre list of rules on Facebook. Picture: Facebook

"On fourth and fifth days allow baby to nurse approximately 10 to 15 minutes."

It then adds: "If baby nurses longer it mat cause the nipple to become sore".

Even more confusingly, the list then says: "Do not eat chocolate candy, raw apple, cabbage, nuts, strawberries, cherries, onions, or green cocoanut cake."

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Captioning her post, Michaela wrote: "My mom was going through her things and we saw this, it's rules in regards to just having a baby. It gave me a chuckle.

The mum shared the bizarre list of rules on Facebook (stock image)
The mum shared the bizarre list of rules on Facebook (stock image). Picture: Getty

"How things have changed! This is from 1968! How cool! Thank goodness things have changed, I can't imagine! Feel free to share!"

Facebook users rushed to the comments to voice their amusement, with one writing: "WTH that’s nuts", and another adding: "We would’ve been kicked out of the hospital.”

A third wrote: "Wow…I'm so glad things have changed for the better for the most part."


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