Mum-of-22 Sue Radford slams trolls who accuse her of using 'taxpayer money' for lavish holidays

14 May 2024, 13:43

Sue Radford has confronted trolls online
Sue Radford has confronted trolls online. Picture: Instagram/YouTube/The Radford Family

By Hope Wilson

Sue Radford has hit back after social media trolls claimed she used 'taxpayer money' to fund her luxury trips.

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Sue Radford, 48, has launched an extraordinary rant on social media, after being accused of using 'taxpayer money' to fund her lavish holidays.

The 22 Kids & Counting star shared a screenshot of a direct message she received from a follower named Adam, in which they stated that they believed the Radford family used taxpayer money to pay for their recent motorhome trip.

Hitting back at the person who sent the message, Sue wrote: "I wonder if Adam is a high rate taxpayer? Or even if Adam pays tax at all? Maybe he’s a bit p***** he doesn’t own a motorhome 🙅‍♀️tbh I would be too as we b**** love it all paid for with our hard earned high taxpayers money 🤦🏻‍♀️ just saying."

Sue then addressed all of her followers writing: "Sorry I’d never share anything like this BUT we get lots of these so just want to clarify Adam is a D***."

Sue Radford shared screenshots of messages she receieved
Sue Radford shared screenshots of messages she receieved. Picture: Instagram/The Radford Family

However Sue wasn’t finished defending her family, later adding to her Instagram Story: "Sorry I’ve stewed on this since yesterday and it’s wound me up more than it should 🤦🏻‍♀️ because well you can probably guess why when you are a high rate taxpayer 🤦🏻‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️can he clarify if he is a high rate taxpayer x2? Bet he can’t?

"Sick of messages like this s*** as you need to educate yourself before messaging this s*** as I won’t tolerate it anymore 😊"

She went on to add: "Is a high rate taxpayer not the most taxpayer 🤦🏻‍♀️ just saying Adam 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤣 jeeze can’t cope with IDIOTS hope this clarifies it 👍 🙄 🤣"

In her final post of the evening, Sue wrote: "Anyways off to bed now as we have lots more holidays coming up that 🤣 I’m sure Adam will not approve of 🙅‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ but wait for it all paid for with our money that I’m sure ADAM won’t approve of but oh well we will. Be sure so make the best memories make sure you check in Adam which I’m sure you will ✌️🤣!!!!!"

Sue Radford hit back at trolls on social media
Sue Radford hit back at trolls on social media. Picture: Instagram/The Radford Family

After sharing these Stories, Sue was flooded with support from fans who defended her.

One user penned: "Good on you!!!! We own a small family business and have idiots make comments all the time. It has become a guilty pleasure of mine biting back at them and hearing crickets. They don’t expect to be called out for it when they are they’re 100% in the wrong so have nothing to say! Bless your family Sue 🥰"

Another commented: "I bet all the haters are still watching your social media though! If they are that bothered by you and your family, then they should unfollow you but they won’t because they are too nosey. Take no notice of them. For every hater there are thousands of fans. Keep doing what you are doing and share it with the world, because why shouldn’t you. You’ve worked hard to provide the best life for your children so b***** show it off ❤️"

Sue then replied to her fans: "I will never understand why people who clearly don’t like a person will unhealthily stalk every single thing that they do it’s actually really sad 😔 you definitely have to feel a little sorry for them because they are clearly extremely unhappy with their lives which is so sad 😔"

The mum-of-22 also went on to reveal that she would now be "naming and shaming trolls" who send her hurtful messages.

Sue Radford received support from fans online
Sue Radford received support from fans online. Picture: Instagram/The Radford Family

However this isn't the first time Sue and Noel have hit back at hate on social media, after the pair discussed their 'trolls' in their book The Radfords: Making Life Count.

Noel divulged: "I think some of these people say what they say just because they are sitting behind a keyboard. They think they can say anything they like and it doesn't matter - it doesn't have any consequences."

Sue then added: "It's as if they don't really see you - the target of their abuse - as being a human being who has feelings.

"They don't seem to see you as a real person. They're not bothered about what they say or what effects it might have."

Sue and Noel Radford have opened up about online trolling
Sue and Noel Radford have opened up about online trolling. Picture: Channel 5

Noel then disclosed that a lot of their trolls use fake names online, stating: "Which is pretty cowardly, isn't it? They must have such empty lives."

His wife continued: "They can't be happy with their own lives to do what they do - to feel they need to try to drag other people down. 

"It's sad because me and Noel are not those kinds of people. But some people, sadly, are just not very nice. To say the least!"

Later in the book Noel went on to slam the trolls, stating: "There are people who are jealous of what you've got."

Sue Radford has 22 children
Sue Radford has 22 children. Picture: Instagram/ The Radford Family

The couple– who own a family pie shop– have even contacted solicitors regarding their trolling.

The father-of-22 said: "A while ago, we did consider taking legal action against one or two people who were hiding behind fake names and posting terrible things. 

"Our solicitor said, 'All they will do is open another account with a different fake name, and you'll be forever chasing them.'"

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